In this monthly collection, we are featuring some of the best illustrations, digital art, sketches, doodles and paintings from around the world. We hope that you will be inspired and will go on to create your own unique artwork and in turn, inspire others.
We can help you get featured in the YDJ blog too. To get featured and gain better online presence, just submit your best work here .
Nature by Febin_Raj for Fireart Studio
Sunnyside Plaza by MUTI
Сlumsy chef by Natasha Krivonosova
Dinosaurs by Matt Moriarty
Submitted by Matt Moriarty
This collection is called “Dino’s” & features a simplistic, fun design to each character. Everyone loves dinosaurs & you can always find interesting characters & personalities in their unique shapes.
Ginza Sacré-Coeur Pt. 1 by Paiheme
Park by Folio Illustration Agency
A Rough Day by Thomas Rohlfs
Million $ Smile by Alina Bohoru
Nature by arun
Hello, Dribbble! by enterrax
Hello winter at Paramount by Alfy Maghfira
Astro & The Universe | Space Art Studio—JQ ∆
Guinea Pig Illustration by Liana Turbureanu for Manypixels
Freddie Gibbs / Madlib by Keith Lowe
Boat series by Aleksandar Koturanović
Spring Garden by Bett Norris
Drip for Drip coffee cup by Nozzman in personal work