Motion Design – an abbreviation for Motion Graphics Design is the art of using graphic design and putting it motion with the use of visual effects, audio and animation in film making, video production or multimedia presentations. Every month, we will be featuring of the best motion design works done by motion graphics artists from around the world to keep you engaged and inspired.
You can have your motion design works featured in YDJ. We have a growing audience and we’re pretty sure our audience don’t mind giving you some attention and credibility for your piece.
QUIS by Max Bzdr
Ростелеком — Развитие by Petrick
Cosmic Vibes GIFs by Saida Saetgareeva
Rock…Paper…Ouch! by sean proctor for Cub Studio
Pillow Ninja by Alfie Bogush for Cub Studio
CANDY WRAP by MadeByStudioJQ in The RedShift Project
BEAT THE ROBOTS by Antoni Tudisco