Every month, we hand-pick and share with you some amazing animated GIFs created by animators and motion designers we found on Dribbble, Behance and elsewhere on the Web for your inspiration. So we hope you enjoy this article.
You can also feature your animation works on the blog. Feel free to submit your best piece here. If it’s one of a kind, you’ll be making headlines on YDJ!
G Pay – Xmas Doodle #03 by Latham Arnott
Warhol Loop by Kelli Clark
When days become nights by Alejandro Mellado
Xmas Motion by Sergio Cárdenas
Looking forward to spring by Jakub Jaszkin
Visual Texture | Pixels by Josh Baron
Octopus by Геля Пистолетова
Blueberry Babs by Maisie Grant
Success Registration by Nalim de Moraes
Husky by Naomi Wrasman
Flying in Circles by Sophie Hughes