Every month, we hand-pick and share with you some amazing animated GIFs created by animators and motion designers we found on Dribbble, Behance and elsewhere on the Web for your inspiration. So we hope you enjoy this article.
You can also feature your animation works on the blog. Feel free to submit your best piece here. If it’s one of a kind, you’ll be making headlines on YDJ!
Paralelo by sebastian muñoz lineros
Cute Octo by Aleksandar Savic
Beauty by James Curran
Lyft – Two Man Saw by Chris Guyot
Puddle Jumping by Jonathan Dahl
Dandelions in the wind by Dinos&Teacups
YORA Pet Foods by Yukai Du, Studio Bliink and Tom Neish
EAST OF EDEN PT. II by Florian Schommer
Cock’s Walk by Uran CD for Clay
Monday-to-Friday Pigeon by Fabien Rousseau
Hello, Dribbble! by Igor Sobolevsky
Need a hug by Nguyen Nhut for Clay
Lipstick by James Curran