Every month, we hand-pick and share with you some amazing animated GIFs created by animators and motion designers we found on Dribbble, Behance and elsewhere on the Web for your inspiration. So we hope you enjoy this article.
You can also feature your animation works on the blog. Feel free to submit your best piece here. If it’s one of a kind, you’ll be making headlines on YDJ!
Meet new people – Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, Australia by Andrew McKay for Friendly App
Arnold with his balloon by Guillaume Kurkdjian
Speed Kills by Fraser Davidson for Cub Studio
Drive into weekend by Maksim Marakhovskyi
Balfe Park Lane by Sebastian Curi
Mammoth Monday by Linda McNeil for Mailchimp
We all live in a yellow… Boat by Mignot Valentin
Cape Town International Animation Festival by MUTI
Cafe Triciclo by sebastian muñoz lineros
Dramatic Zoom by Jake Williams
Martin Luther King Jr Day by Jack Daly for InVision
Fruit Ninja by Denys Siurin