Every month, we hand-pick and share with you some amazing animated GIFscreated by animators and motion designers we found on Dribbble, Behance and elsewhere on the Web for your inspiration and viewing pleasure.
Year of the doge by Yimbo Escárrega
Natural AI motion language exploration by Gleb Kuznetsov ✈
Hummingbirds by James Curran
News doggo by Bee Grandinetti
Curious Vehicle #3 by Guillaume Kurkdjian
Coins coins coins! by Max Marahovskyi for Motion Design School
CR7 Driver by Feitosa
Animated pattern by Aurelien Malagoli
Happy by Ioana Şopov
Doggy by Oleksandr Pronskyi
OCD by Studio mako
Team Canada – Figure Skating by Fraser Davidson for Cub Studio