Animated GIFs are trending right now. Most people love them because the animations are shorter than videos and more fun to look at than still images. Every month, we hand-pick and share with you some amazing animated GIFs created by animators and motion designers we found on Dribbble, Behance and elsewhere on the Web for your inspiration and viewing pleasure.
New on Dribbble by Génesis Linares
Hello Dribbble! by Sandy Ching
Birds by Mikael Gustafsson
Low poly waterfall by Jona Dinges
Raise a new flag by Mike Hegberg
Area 51 by Wanda Arca for Aerolab
Skater legs by Felipe Pellisser
Tintin & Terry Runcycle by Mads Frantzen
Aero_plane./ by Wanda Arca for Aerolab
Piece of Shit. BFF by Petrick
myhouseisyourhouse by Kikillo™
Timelaps by Roman Vyshyvanov for SKILZ
It’s fun to print at the CMYK by Pablo Stanley
Fit Avocado by EJ Hassenfratz
Autumn In Town by Aslan A. for Fireart Studio