I don’t know if this is one of many trending japanese art styles, or sheer obsession for all things tiny in Japan. Regardless, Japanese artist Tanaka Tatsuya has been creating playful miniature scenes everyday since 2011 and his works of art is loved by people all over the world!
The idea came about when one of his Instagram followers suggested that he “create a miniature calendar everyday“. And so he started his 365 project using everyday objects – from broccoli, loaves of bread, to sushi, to mobile gadgets and even emoticons! Check out some of his latest work below. They are among my favourites as well.
For more of Tanaka Tatsuya check out his website miniature-calendar.com and his infinite-scrolling Instagram page. He has definitely brought creativity to a whole new level. Man…this guy is insane!!



Happy Halloween

Instadrum (Drum-type washing machine)

Moscursor (Mosquito Cursor)
Home base?

Reserved seat movie theater
Ice floe
Running high jump
Telegraph pole
Skill training Jenga

CSI Taco
Plastering pretzels
Mapple Waffle
Moving walkway

Paper sea
Carrier Spiderman
Antman – Secret passage
Antman – Life is not so easy, Sugar
Antman – Run away and don’t look back!
Millenium “Roomba” Falcon?
Drive-in theatre
Mushroom fish
Trash can
Ski lift
That’s one big step for my son
Credits: All images © Tatsuya Tanaka